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Health and Safety Info Home

To all employees:  
Safety is our first priority!
While education and quality are our core business values, we will not compromise safety for their sake. We will maintain safety and health programs conforming to the highest standards and best practices for schools.  
Safety is everyone's responsibility!
Management accepts responsibility for providing a safe working environment and employees are expected to take responsibility for performing work in accordance with safe standards and practices. Safety and health in our schools must be a part of every operation. Without question, it is every employee's responsibility at all levels.  
Staff Links 
Accident Reporting Links and Info

Cover Your Cough Prevention Video
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Note: If you are asked to run an ActiveX control click "Ok"Prevention Strategies

Avoid close contact.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.

Stay home when you are sick.
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness.

Cover your mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.

Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.

Practice other good health habits.
Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.

Printable Materials for Promoting Good Health Habits