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Yearly Medication Renewal for Staff

Welcome to the Yearly Medication Renewal Web Page!!

Click Here to open and print Yearly Medication Renewal Quiz Why Recertify?

St. Helens School District recognizes that administration of medication to students may be necessary when the failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student, or the student would not be able to attend school if medication was not made available during school hours.

Consequently, students may be permitted to take non-inject able prescription or nonprescription medication at school, on a temporary or regular basis.

Oregon State Law requires that staff be designated and trained before they administer any medication, and that the district have policies and procedures to implement the law. In 2005, the Legislature updated the OAR regarding medication in the school to require that training for non-licensed staff be done on a yearly basis. Initial training must be done by a district nurse.

Please review the following information and take take the written exam. The link for the test is at the top of this page. You may use the information to assist you on the exam. Types of Medication and Mandates for Administration at School Note: This training does not include the following: Administration of Epipen or Glucagon injections; nebulizer treatments; administration of rectal medications. Administration of these medications is covered in other trainings or provided through individual training sessions by the school nurse for your building.

Prescription Medication:

  • With written instructions from a physician or prescription label which must include:
    • Name of student
    • Name of medication
    • Dosage
    • Frequency
    • Route (e.g. oral, topical)
    • Expiration date
    • Physician's name
  • Prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy container (inhalers must be brought in with the box which has the pharmacy label on it).
  • Prescription medication must be transported to and from school by the parent/guardian.
  • Telephone authorization for medication administration is not acceptable.
  • Necessary paperwork must be completed by the parent/guardian, including permission to administer medication at school.
  • Medication must be counted with parent or another staff member

Nonprescription Medication:

  • Nonprescription medication means only commercially prepared, non-alcohol based medication to be taken at school that is necessary for the student to remain in school. This will be limited to eye drops, nasal drops/spray, cough drops, cough suppressants, pain relievers, decongestants, antihistamines, topical antibiotics, antiinflammatory, and antacids.
  • Must be accompanied by written instructions from the parent/guardian including:
    • Name of Student
    • Name of Medication
    • Dosage
    • Frequency
    • Route
  • Medication must be in its original container.
  • Medication must be transported to and from school by the parent/guardian.
  • Any changes in medication instructions must be in writing.
  • Necessary paperwork must be completed by the parent/guardian. This includes permission to administer medication at school.

Administering Medication  

Before administering any medication to students, always follow the FIVE RIGHTS: 1. RIGHT STUDENT? Ask the student his/her name. Double check with photo if present in corner of medication log sheet. 2. RIGHT MEDICATION? Compare the prescription label to the information filled in on the top of medication log sheet. 3. RIGHT DOSE? Be sure to give the EXACT AMOUNT of the medication specified by the prescription label. (Or by the parent's written instructions for nonprescription medication). 4. RIGHT TIME? Check the medication log sheet for the time when the medication should be given. 30 minutes before or after the prescribed time is within the allowable time limits. Medication given earlier or later than that is considered a Medication Error. 5. RIGHT ROUTE? Be sure to check how the medication is to be given (e.g. by mouth, skin, etc.)

Handling Medication

Remember a few important basics while preparing or assisting with medication: 1. WASH HANDS!!! 2. Avoid touching the medication.

a. Pour it into the lid of the medication bottle b. Have the student pick up his or her own medication or pour it into their hand.

3. Tablets that require cutting should be cut by the parent at home. 4. Liquid medication should be measured with a calibrated cup or syringe. Common Forms And Routes of Medication  

Oral Medication:

  • Regular tablets are meant to be swallowed.
  • Chewable tablets should be chewed thoroughly.
  • Capsules are to be swallowed whole—unless indicated to be opened and “sprinkled” on soft food.
  • Syrups and elixirs are clear liquids.
  • Suspensions usually need to be refrigerated, and then shaken at least five seconds before administering.

Topical Medication:

  • Eye drops/ointments
  • Ear drops/ointments
  • Ointments/creams

Inhaled Medications:

  • Nasal Spray
  • Metered Dose Inhalers—used for immediate relief of asthma symptoms.
    • Student should use correct technique:
      • 1. Exhale completely
      • 2. Hold Inhaler about 1” from mouth (or use spacer)
      • 3. Press down on Inhaler and breathe in deeply
      • 4. Hold breath for 10 seconds, then exhale
      • 5. Repeat for second puff if prescribed

Safe Storage and Monitoring Supplies of Medication

  • Store all medication in its original container—prescription medication must always be kept in original, labeled container.
  • Medication should be brought to school and returned home by the parent.
  • It is the parent's responsibility to inform the school IN WRITING if any changes are made in medication instructions. Do not act on verbal requests to change medication amount or frequency!
  • All medication is to be counted by designated staff and witnessed by parent or another staff person on receipt of medication.
  • Medication must always be stored in a clean, locked cabinet in a secure area.
  • Medication which requires refrigeration should be kept in a separate refrigerator or in a locked cabinet within a refrigerator that is used for other items.
  • Designated staff will be responsible for monitoring all medication supplies and for ensuring medications are secure at all times.
  • When medication is low, designated staff will notify parent in a timely manner to ensure uninterrupted supply.
  • At the end of the school year, staff should notify parent to pick up any remaining medication.
  • Medication not picked up by parent will be disposed of and noted on medication record.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

  • A medication record must be kept for each medication received.
  • When administering medications, staff must record date and time of administration and write initials.
  • Initials and full signature must be recorded on the bottom of the med form.
  • Medication information needs to be kept confidential and only shared with parent’s permission.
  • Medication records and filed by year, and must be kept for 7 years.

Handling Unexpected Situations

  • Students not arriving for their medications at the scheduled time, should be sent for immediately. Medication must be given 30 minutes before or after the scheduled time.
  • If a student refuses, spits out, or vomits medication document and notify parent.
  • Medication errors include:
    • Medication omission
    • Medication administered to wrong student
    • Administering wrong medication
    • Administering incorrect dose
    • Administering medication by wrong route
    • Administering medication at wrong time (More than 30 minutes before or after scheduled dose)
  • All medication errors need to be documented on medication error form and reported to the nurse and parent.
  • Report any unusual symptoms or behaviors to the parent and the school nurse.If a serious allergic reaction occurs, call 911 and have trained staff person administer emergency Epipen.

Student Self-Medication

In the St. Helens School District, student self-medication falls into two categories:

  1. Prescription Medication for Immediate Access This usually refers to Asthma Inhalers—usually restricted to Middle School or High School.
  2. Non-Prescription Medication for High School Students.

For each of these, a Self-Medication Permission Form must be read and signed by the student, parent. The student should carry only a limited amount of medication, and is responsible for self-medication. Medication for Field Trips or Off Campus Activities

  1. A medication-trained staff person should accompany any group leaving the building when medication is required by any students participating in off campus activities.
  2. The staff person must take the medication in its original container as well as the medication administration form, and document time given on the field trip.
  3. Students are not allowed to pick up their medication from the health room and take it with them on outings or field trips.