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Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Effective July of 2012, Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 634.700-634.750 requires all Oregon public schools, kindergarten through community college, to implement IPM practices.

IPM is a pest management strategy that integrates multiple tactics including sanitation, pest exclusion, cultural, mechanical and other non-chemical methods. It uses the most environmentally and economically sound manner to control a pest.  Since IPM focuses on remediation of the fundamental reasons for pests, pesticides are rarely used and only when necessary. 

All school districts are required to develop a written Integrated Pest Management Plan.  The one for the Saint Helens School District can be viewed below.

School districts are also required to designate an IPM Plan Coordinator from among their staff.  The district's Director of Facilities, Jared Plahn, has been appointed to that function.  Please direct any inquiries or concerns about the IPM program or pesticide applications to Jared Plahn by: Phone: 503-397-4677 or email.

When pesticide applications are necessary, they must be used in accordance with state and federal law.  A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate any pest.  Pests can be insects, mice and other animals, weeds fungi or micro-organisms.  Pesticides is a broad term that includes insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides.

Pesticides in public schools are restricted to application by a licensed applicator.  Saint Helens School District has three staff that have their pesticide applicator license.  The Saint Helens School District will only apply pesticides on the approved list of low-impact pesticides.

SHSD 502 IPM Plan