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Overview of Special Education

Special Education: 

The St. Helens School District believes that student success begins with a team approach and we are proud to offer a continuum of services which support each child toward reaching their individual potential.  

Our team of experts include but are not limited to:  students, parents, classroom teachers, specialists, speech pathologists, school psychologists, autism specialists, occupational and physical therapists, school principals, counselors, nurses, Special Education staff, and additional support personnel when needed. 

Most questions can be answered by your child's special education case manager or building administrator.  For those families who are new or moving into our community, district office administration can support you by answering specific questions or providing you with additional information you are seeking.   The Special Education Department is here to support you and your child's special education needs.

More information including overview of district programs, related services, special educators contact information, parent resources and our special education reports are located to the left on the corresponding tabs.  

District Mission:

Strengthening Our Community

Special Education Manual- Under Construction