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2015-2016 Budget

2015-2016 Fiscal Year

Budget Information  

As part of the 2015-2016  budget process, Superintendent Mark Davalos presented the 2015-2016 Superintendent Budget Message and proposed the 2015-2016 budget to the St. Helens School District Budget Committee at a public meeting on April 21, 2015. The budget committee will review the document below and will deliberate further at future budget meetings scheduled for May 5th and 19th. Both of these meetings will occur at 6:30 PM at Columbia City School (2000 2nd Street in Columbia City). 

A copy of the proposed budget may be viewed at St. Helens School District Administration Office at 474 North 16th Street, St. Helens, Oregon between the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. A nominal fee of $3.00 will be charged for physical copies of the budget document to offset printing costs.  

2015-2016 School Board Budget Priorities 

  • Keep class sizes down
  • Maintain current number of instructional days
  • Maintain a contingency fund
  • Maintain extra-curricular programs
  • Building maintenance
  • Maintain a prudent reserve   

Budget Documents

2015-2016 Adopted Budget

2015-2016 SHSD 502 Form ED-1

2015-2016 Budget Submitted for Approval - Revised

2015-2016 Budget Submitted for Approval - Revised - on May 26, 2015. 

2015-2016 Budget Submitted for Approval

2015-2016 Budget Submitted for Approval on May 19, 2015.

2015-2016 Proposed Budget

The proposed budget as presented to the Budget Committee on April 21, 2015.