Attendance Boundaries
If you have questions about the school your K-5 student should attend based on your residential address, please contact Lewis and Clark, McBride, or Columbia City School staff at the numbers listed below for assistance.
Lewis & Clark Elementary 503-366-7603
McBride Elementary 503-366-7700
The Google Boundary Maps link for the approved plan is below so you can review the map and find/search for your residence.
The blue area is for McBride Elementary, the green area is for Lewis & Clark Elementary and the yellow area is for Columbia City Elementary. Click on the link to search by your residence address to find your school boundary area.
The St. Helens School Board approved the latest elementary school boundaries at their 5/24/17 Regular School Board Meeting.
Approved Elementary Attendance Boundaries
Columbia County Assessor's Office Property Records Online
County site to search for your address and view your tax statement which has your school district listed to which you pay taxes. Click the A&T Web Query and then search by your address and view the tax statement.