The Foundation has been entrusted with the funds to provide perpetual awards and scholarships for SHSD graduating seniors. Please refer to the link at the bottom of the page for the application. Here are our current scholarships:
Louis C. Abrams Scholarship (one scholarship for $3,000)
Selection is based on good citizenship, good scholarship, academic inclination, and financial need. Submit an essay stating your goals after high school, including how your education will be paid, your selected occupation, and why you chose this field.
Katherine Ballatore Memorial Scholarship (one scholarship for $1,000)
Must be pursuing business studies at a two or four-year institution. Selection is based on applicants’ demonstrated interest in the field of business through business classes, extracurricular activities, as well as work and volunteer experience.
Tom Brumbaugh Memorial Scholarship (one scholarship for $1,000):
Prior consideration shall be given to proven dedication and discipline in the study of music; documented by practice logs, and participation in other music activities, such as additional study and or performance outside the scope of the school curriculum. See Band Director for application.
Brittany K. Hudson Memorial Scholarship (one scholarship for $350)
Selection is based on applicants’ interest in music, specifically band, by having taken classes and participated in the band program during high school.
Justin Alexander Schlaht Memorial Scholarship (one Scholarship for $1,000):
Must have participated in cross country and/or track and field for at least two seasons. GPA, involvement in school activities, and good citizenship will also be considerations. Any accredited school of higher education is acceptable. An essay is required to describe the values and lessons you have learned through your high school experience. (200 words maximum)
Martha & Lowell Richardson Scholarship (one scholarship for $2,000)
Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher for grades 11 and 12 only and attend SHHS for at least three years. Students who struggled in their first two years of high school are encouraged to apply due to the special emphasis given to significant improvement. Applicants should be involved in school activities, but not necessarily in a leadership role, and must demonstrate good citizenship in all school and community activities. Applicants must pursue post-secondary education (community college, university, technical/vocational school). Scholarship recipients receive the first $1,000 at registration and the second $1,000 at the beginning of their second year if they earn a 3.0 GPA.
Ralph & Rose Valpiani Endowment Fund (one scholarship for $1,500)
Must have demonstrated a dedication to excel in music and/or choral programs at SHHS and intend to continue education. Applicant must intend to continue music or choral training or playing, but not necessarily major in music. Candidates are not required to attend a four-year college/university. If you are applying for the Valpiani Scholarship, please include a statement describing how you intend to further your music training and performance.
Dahlgren Vocational/Technical Award (one award for $1,000)
Applicants must be currently enrolled in one or more of the identified Vocational/Technical programs offered by St.Helens and demonstrate an interest in continuing education in the same field by being enrolled in a related, certified post-secondary program. These programs include Building Construction, Auto Mechanics, Metals Fabrication, Culinary Arts, or Early Childhood Development. Completion of 2 ½ credits or more, a list of related courses taken in a Vocational/Technical program at SHHS, and related co-curricular and community activities are required. Include a brief description of your career goals, including how the Vocational/Technical Program Prepared you for these goals, and how this scholarship will help towards achieving these goals.