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Durham Bus Zone App

Bus Zone image

Students riding the school bus will be sent home with flyers from Durham School Services notifying parents that they will be transitioning from the BusTracker mobile app to BusZone mobile app. This easy-to-use mobile app allows you to check on your student(s) school bus at any time.

Here is how to set up BusZone:

  • Download the BusZone app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Enter your School Access Code: 2040SHSD
  • In the search field, enter the bus or route number you want to follow. Complete this step for all the buses your student(s) ride throughout the week.
  • Enter your student(s) unique student ID (this can be found in your ParentVue account or your student(s) StudentVue account).

Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points.  

When your student(s) bus enters an alert zone, you will receive a notification by email or text.

Please take a look at the attached flyer for further details.

Bus Zone Parent Flyer -English
First page of the PDF file: BusZoneParentFlyer-StHelensSchoolDistrict502English
Bus Zone Parent Flyer -Spanish
First page of the PDF file: BusZoneParentFlyer-StHelensSchoolDistrict502Spanish